Emergency Preparedness Class Request

Use this form to request an Emergency Preparedness class.

Disaster events over the past several years have provided each and every one of us with the realities of large scale emergency response. From Katrina to Haiti the world has witnessed the fate of those who are unprepared to help themselves. It is now well documented and well understood that we cannot rely solely on others to meet our short and long term needs. We must take the steps necessary to prepare for the possible no matter how improbable.

If you want to prepare yourself and or your neighborhood for the disasters most likely to affect our area we can help. The Lenexa Fire Department has developed an hour long interactive presentation on family, neighborhood, and business preparation. The class includes preparation of a home disaster preparedness kit, utility familiarization, family preparation techniques, and much more.

Event Information
  • Requests must be submitted at least 14 days in advance.
  • Please note that dates in October are not available.
  • Please select a time after 8am.
Participant Information
Contact Information

Additional Information

Submission of this form does not guarantee your selected date by the Lenexa Fire Department. It does not grant permission for use of the Department name or logo in any advertisement, or connect the Department in any manner to your request.

These are on-duty crews; the crew may need to leave on an emergency call at any time.

If you wish to mail your request, send it to:

    Lenexa Fire Department/Tours
    9620 Pflumm
    Lenexa, Kansas 66215

If you would prefer to phone or fax in your request, contact:

    Office Phone: (913) 888-6380
    Fax: (913) 888-2143